Impact of Pollen Typhae Extract on Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cell Proliferation by MTT Assay MTT法检测蒲黄提取物对脐静脉内皮细胞增殖的影响
Objective: To study the changes of chemical constituents in Pollen Typhae ( Puhuang) after processing. 目的:研究蒲黄炮制前后化学成分的变化。
Effects of Pollen Typhae on the Atherosclerosis Rat Models 中药蒲黄对动脉粥样硬化大鼠模型的影响
RESULT The acetic ether portion, n-butanol portion and total flavonoids portion of Pollen Typhae could markedly shorten the coagulate time in mice. 结果蒲黄及炮制品的乙酸乙酯部位、正丁醇部位、总黄酮部位可明显缩短小鼠凝血时间。
Conclusion: The optimum extraction process was as follows: Pollen Typhae was extracted with 70% alcohol for 3 times, with the solvent volume 8, 6, 6 times amount and extraction time 60, 60, 30 minutes in turn. 结论:最佳提取工艺为蒲黄用70%乙醇提取3次,溶剂用量依次为8,6,6倍,提取时间为60,60,30min。
METHODS The parameters including coronary blood flow, myocardial oxygen consumption and myocardial oxygen uptake rate in normal anaesthetic dogs were adopted to study the effects of the Pollen Typhae flavonoids on ischemic myocardium. 方法:采用麻醉犬冠脉流量、心肌耗氧量和心肌氧摄取率等指标的变化,研究蒲黄总黄酮对缺血心肌的作用。
Effects of Pollen Typhae, Vitamin E and Vitamin C on the Synthesis of Prostacyclin and the Production of Lipid Peroxide by Cultured Rat Endothelial Cells 蒲黄、维生素E和C对大鼠动脉内皮细胞合成前列环素与产生脂质过氧化物的影响
The effects of Pollen Typhae on PGI_2/ TXA_2 and lipoprotein cholesterol in hyperlipemic rabbits 蒲黄对急性高脂血症家兔TXA2/PGI2及血脂的影响
GC-MS analysis of the fatty components of Pollen Typhae before and after being carbonized 蒲黄炒炭前后亲脂性成分的GC-MS分析
A Study into the History of Preparation of Pollen Typhae Decoction Pieces 蒲黄饮片炮制历史沿革的研究
The Effects of Pollen Typhae on the Production of PGI_2 and tPA by Cultured Porcine Aortic Endothelial Cells 蒲黄对猪动脉内皮细胞产生PGI2和tPA的影响
Pharmaceutical Screening of Active Parts of Pollen Typhae 蒲黄活性部位的药效学筛选研究
Effect of Pollen Typhae Extracts on Antioxidant Activity of Mercury-injuried Primary Cultured Neurons 蒲黄提取物对汞损伤SD大鼠原代培养神经细胞抗氧化能力的影响
Conclusion: Pollen typhae had the protective effects on vascular endothelial dysfunction induced by hyperlipemia, which might be attributed to its capacity to regulate lipid metabolism and improve hemorheology. 结论:蒲黄对高脂血症所致的血管内皮损伤有明显的保护作用,可能是通过调节血脂代谢改善血液流变性而实现的。
A Study of the Analgesic Effect and Acute Toxicity of the Extract of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Pollen Typhae 中药蒲黄提取液的镇痛作用研究
Effects of Cell-wall-broken Extraction Process on Total Flavones of Pollen Typhae 花粉破壁与超微粉碎技术破壁提取对蒲黄总黄酮的影响
Protective effects of Pollen typhae on vascular endothelial dysfunction induced by hyperlipemia in rabbits 蒲黄对高脂血症所致内皮损伤的保护作用
A HPLC method with gradient elution for determination of typhaneoside ( 1) and isorhamnetin-3-O-neohesperidoside ( 2) in total flavonoid extracts of Pollen typhae was established. 建立了HPLC法测定蒲黄总黄酮提取物中香蒲新苷(1)及异鼠李素-3-O-新橙皮糖苷(2)的含量。
In the culture containing pollen typhae water and ethanolic extracts, the activity of GSH-Px and SOD in injured nerones increased, and MDA content decreased; 经蒲黄水提物和醇提物共同培养后,大鼠神经细胞中GSH-Px活性和SOD活性上升,MDA含量下降。